Stamped and stamped bent parts
Coated and uncoatedWe are a specialist in the field of forming technology. Our product range extends from high-precision stamped parts to geometrically complex stamped-bent products.
Whether cold rolled strip, stainless steel or aluminum, we process almost all materials, regardless of whether it is already painted, coated or bare metal strip. The many years of experience of our employees and their knowledge of what is technically feasible thus allow the best possible product solutions.

Coated stampings
Solutions for many applicationsDue to the comprehensive know-how of coated metal strips, we can also offer you stamped bent parts with various technical or decorative coatings.

Die-cut parts with bonding agent for rubber coatings

Die-cut parts with adhesion promoter for plastic coatings

Die-cut parts with anti-stick lacquer coatings

Stamped parts with bonded coatings

Stamped parts with anti-slip lacquer coatings

Stamped parts with high temperature lacquers

Stampings with decorative coatings

Stamped parts with various rubber coatings
Industry References
Coated stamped and bent parts can be found in a wide variety of products, such as.
- Vibration damping elements
- Spring elements
- Stabilizers
- Functional parts
- Assemblies
- Consumer goods
Construction and own toolmaking
Many years of competenceWe offer you:
- Efficient tool planning for progressive dies, deep-drawing tools and step tools
- Design and simulation as the basis for successful series production
- Own toolmaking
- Prototyping and small series